It had taken a long time, but we finally received a good quote for shipping the car out of Thailand and on to India. This meant we had a deadline to meet as the ship that was to bear our little car away from SE Asia was not far away and approaching fast. Consequently we had to make for the port of Luang Chebang in Thailand with all haste. We had originally hoped to see more of Laos but the world is a big place and our time is very finite so off to Thailand we go. Along the way there was plenty of pot holes to look out for and the usual collection of wildlife that likes to live on and by the road. This wasn't an easy drive, mostly for fear of the on-coming trucks rounding corners on the wrong side of the road but it was certainly an enjoyable one. We spent a night in Vien Vieng, a place once famous for it's tubing but sadly not any more.